Polish American Congress statement on Poland and the Poles during World War Two
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Szymon Datner was a prominent Polish historian of Jewish descent, best known for his research on German war crimes committed against Jews, particularly those escaping from the ghettos in occupied Poland. In 1969–70 he presided over the Jewish Historical Institute in Warsaw, and was one of the historians at the Polish Commission to Investigate German Crimes,…
Dear Editors, Somewhat ironically your correspondent’s one-sided and blinkered perspective is a form of revisionism masquerading as insight (Foreign Policy, February 12, 2019, by Mateusz Mazzini, Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology). The suggestion in the headline is also absurd: “Poland’s Historical Revisionism Is Pushing It Into Moscow’s Arms.” Come again? “Following…
Dear Haaretz, Your article “Auschwitz Is Rewriting Holocaust History, One Tweet at a Time” shows your standards are getting worse and no fact checking is being undertaken. Clearly your (ignorant) correspondent is not aware of the factual history or the need for accuracy. This is what Szymon Datner actually wrote: “I estimated the number of surviving Jews…
In an offensive story falsely accusing the Auschwitz‑Birkenau Memorial and Museum of rewriting history, the Israeli daily Haaretz misquoted the historical data of a renowned Polish historian Szymon Datner: “However, Polish-Jewish historian Szymon Datner estimated Polish people directly caused the murder of 200,000 Jews during the Holocaust by handing them over to Nazis, informing authorities where they were…
Email sent to MSNBC regarding their idiotic mistake. Dear NBCNEWS,Your “chief foreign affairs” correspondent made an ignorant and offensive mistake. http://www.msnbc.com/andrea-mitchell-reports/watch/andrea-s-conversation-with-vp-pence-on-key-domestic-and-foreign-policy-concerns-1441972803841 At 05:00 minutes.“It is a big theme here in Poland because of course the Vice President and his wife will be visiting the Uprising of the Polish Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto in 1943.…
W dniach 21-22 lutego 2019 w Paryżu odbędzie się konferencja naukowa pod tytułem “Nowa polska szkoła historii Holokaustu”. Wśród zaproszonych prelegentów jest wielu badaczy Zagłady, w tym Jan Grabowski, Jan Gross czy Barbara Engelking, znanych z szerzenia fałszywych i ksenofobicznych tez pod adresem Polaków w czasie niemieckiej okupacji. Polish Media Issues, Światowe Porozumienie Polskich Patriotów, Polonia Institute,…
12 février 2019 À l’attention de : Christophe PROCHASSON, président de l’École des hautes études en sciences sociales (EHESS) Philippe ALLOUCHE, directeur général de la Fondation pour la Mémoire de la Shoah C. c. : Pierre-Cyrille Hautcoeur, directeur d’études, EHESS Arnaud Dattola, responsable de la communication, EHESS Pierre Lévy, ambassadeur de France en Pologne Tomasz Młynarski, ambassadeur…