Status and significant updates regarding the pernicious anti-Polish misinformation of US Congressman Stephen Cohen.
As of July 25, 2021, The requests of the Polish American community and the Polish diaspora still have not been met. The offices of one Congressman has been picketed several times and will continue.
We are recruiting more volunteers to picket at various locations. Please go to Contact us and leave a message.
W związku z akcją dotyczacą mylnych słów Kongresmena Cohena, planujemy serię pikiet przed biurami lokalnych kongresmenów aby podkreślić że liczymy na nich by skorygowali i skrytykowali Cohena za to że mylnie sugerował że Polska jest wspólodpowiedzialna za obozy, oraz za brak podjęcia przez niego kroków by naprawić swój szkodliwy dla Polski przekaz. Przy okazji można będzie zaprezentować kongresmenom podstawowe fakty na temat naszej historii.
Wstępnie planujemy pikiety w Douglaston, Queens i w Huntington, Suffolk County, już w przyszłym tygodniu.
Szukamy chętnych i odważnych którzy mogliby brać udział w pikietach. Jeśli tak to proszę odpowiedzieć zostawiąjac wiadomość przez Contact Us na tej stronie internetowej.
Polish English language media outlet Poland in, however, did a story and video about our campaign. Please see
Please see following articles about the continuation of this issue with Congressman Cohen in Polish language media outlets:
Polish American press and radio stations, as well as local Republican Party members and officials, are expressing interest in this issue. We anticipate further articles, and air time, regarding this issue. .
Please go to Call to Action document,
A Call to Action in regards to the Pernicious Misinformation of US Congressman Stephen Cohen!
to find out how to E-mail Congressman Cohen. Several Polish groups are sending official letters to their Congresspersons to request they take some action in regards to Congressman Cohen. We ask members of the Polish community to visit the offices of their Congresspersons, meet the staff, and hand them a copy of the Rebuke of Congressman Cohen. This has the potential to educate the Congresspersons and their staff on Polish WW II history, and to explain why the words of Congressman Cohen, and his subsequent behavior are unacceptable. It also serves to make us more comfortable dealing with the staff, and to get more familiar with the Democratic process in the US.
We are contacting local Congresspersons, other Polish organizations, the press, etc. and providing an overview of the situation, and informing them of our dissatisfaction with the explanatory letter of the Congressman.
We are still repeatedly contacting, and following up with, the office of Congressman Cohen after it was determined the letter by the Congressman was inadequate, however there has been no response or commitment by him since he sent his letter to the Polish Ambassador. It should be noted that the last action of the Congressman was prompted by the reaction of the Polish community and diaspora to his words. The Polish community was made aware that there was a statement pending and awaited it. Upon obtaining the statement, which turned out to be in the form of a letter, it was determined that, contrary to some reports, the letter did not contain an apology. The Congressman’s letter is also still not posted on any of his digital platforms, although there was some reference to the letter on Twitter.
The staff members of the Congressman are polite, and have confirmed receipt of copies of the the Rebuke of Congressman Cohen text, (and confirmed receipt of numerous calls and contacts from the Polish community) and are promising to give it to him. At this point It would be very strange if he was not made aware of the Rebuke statement, and did not read it. We do NOT have confirmation of Congressman Cohen actually receiving, reading, or properly comprehending the Rebuke statement. Please keep up the good work. It is possible the Congressman needs to read the statement a few more times ….
We are now contacting the offices of other Congresspersons, Senators, as well as recent candidates for office, and also providing the Rebuke statement. The goal is to make this issue widely known, so none can say they never heard of it. Naturally, we want these legislators to try to influence Congressman Cohen to do what is right. Either way, he should be rebuked, just as other Congresspersons have been rebuked.
We added to the Call to Action document the link to determine who your Congress person is:
As of June 10, 2021 we added instructions to the Call to Action document on how to E-mail Congressman Cohen.