uOttawa Evasion and Equivocation
University still dodging the issue and tries to distract from their failure to investigate the complaint about Professor Grabowski Almost a year after the manipulation of research was revealed, PMI again writes to the Secretariat on Responsible Conduct of Research in Canada – below. Dear [SRCR], We refer to our complaint of April 19, 2018…
What Do Students Know About the Holocaust?
REVIEW – DETAILED SURVEY – Slav Genocides Are Invisible in the British Classroom! Holocaust Supremacism Rules, as Does German Guilt Diffusion This work is a seldom-done detailed analysis, this time of British children and teens, aged 11 to 18, and what they understand about the Holocaust. It was conducted by the University College London (UCL)…
Polish Victims Always Ignored
The injustices to Polish victims and Poland. 79 years ago on 15 March 1940, Reichsfuehrer SS, Heinrich Himmler gave a speech stating: “All skilled workers of Polish origin are to be utilized in our war industry; then all Poles will disappear from the face of the earth.” “In fulfilling this very responsible task, you must,…
Prominent “Foreign Policy” spreads a hoax, “made in Poland” – PMI responds
Dear Editors, Somewhat ironically your correspondent’s one-sided and blinkered perspective is a form of revisionism masquerading as insight (Foreign Policy, February 12, 2019, by Mateusz Mazzini, Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology). The suggestion in the headline is also absurd: “Poland’s Historical Revisionism Is Pushing It Into Moscow’s Arms.” Come again? “Following…
The American Jesuit Review breaks the Ninth Commandment – Our rebuttal
America Media, the publisher of the Jesuit Review, claims to be the leading provider of editorial content for thinking Catholics and those who want to know what Catholics are thinking. Unfortunately, the article With Anti-Semitism on the rise can Poland come to terms with its past? of November 2, 2018, provides not really editorial content that one can expect from a…
Invitation to the conference on Capitol Hill on September 7th, 2018
Thanks to the initiative taken by members of Polish diaspora in the United States a conference commemorating the 100th anniversary of regaining independence by Poland will take place on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. on September 7, 2018. The conference titled “Poland Reborn, 100 Years of Struggle and Glory” will shed light on the decisive…
Our rebuttal to Sierakowski’s story in the Irish Examiner
Dear Editor, This article has nothing to support the headline and the writer was being mischievous with the facts.https://www.irishexaminer.com/breakingnews/views/analysis/revised-law-still-alters-history-of-jews-in-poland-862210.html The Polish law does not (and did not) in any way try to revise the history of the Holocaust. On the contrary it was a slightly impolitic attempt to ensure that the history was not distorted…